Jamal Colson Derek Peterson John Stallworth Lancelot Watson
The evangelism ministry is committed to sharing and teaching others the good news about the Christian way of life. Jesus said, “ I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). The purpose of the evangelism ministry is to teach lost souls about Jesus, His sacrificial love for mankind, and His call to follow Him and have an amazing life now and in the everlasting future. This ministry works hand in hand with our missions ministry, and for both, a motivational scripture is Proverbs 11:30, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise.” Soul-winning activities include:
Weekly worship services and Bible Study at the church building. Members are urged to bring friends and neighbors to our services to hear the gospel and be saved.
Individual Personal Bible Study: Members are trained to use the “Ambassadors for Christ” Bible study series to teach the gospel on a one-on-one basis to church service visitors, friends, relatives, and neighbors at a time and venue of their convenience.
Friend Day is held every three months. The community, members’ friends and relatives are invited to worship with us and then share a meal and fellowship after services.
Gospel Meetings are held twice per year. The church meets every night for four days to a week for a revival meeting and/or a gospel campaign to restore weak members and to teach the gospel. The Word is proclaimed by a dynamic, visiting or local gospel preacher on a specific theme. Flyers are mailed out to homes in the community inviting neighbors to attend and then fellowship with members during a meal provided after the service.