Our Minister - Lancelot Watson
Lancelot, a former native of the beautiful Caribbean Island of Jamaica, is a Biblical Theologian with formal Bible training from the Brown Trail School of Preaching, and Boston University where he gained the Master of Theology (MTS) degree in Philosophy, Theology and Ethics and the advanced Master of Sacred Theology (STM) degree. Along with these he has Bachelor degrees in Philosophy and Mass Communication from Kansas State University and formal training in Religion and Conflict Transformation from the prestigious Boston Theological Institute. Lancelot is currently pursuing a PhD (Applied Theology, Missiology) at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
He has ministered to churches in Jamaica and the U.S. and has preached and conducted Gospel Meetings, Leadership and Church growth seminars in Ireland, Russia, Nigeria, Barbados, Cuba, Grenada, and other Caribbean countries.
He has served as Evangelist, gospel preacher, marriage and family counselor, and church administrator in his ministry over the years
Lancelot is an Evangelist in the true New Testament concept. He is committed to New Testament Christianity, convinced that solutions to the human condition are found only in Jesus Christ, His Church and the gospel message He left behind.