The joy of spiritual success
The joy of spiritual success
Luke 10:17- The seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name." 18 He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. … However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."
The sending out of the seventy-two disciples is often referred to by theologians as the “limited commission” in contrast to the “great commission” of Matt. 28:18-20. Of interest to us today, is the joy the disciples experienced from their successful mission. Many of us here at Patchogue experienced a similar joy from our successful Friend Day. As a united group of believers we focused our efforts - mailed out just under 2000 flyers, visited about 75 homes in the area and gave personal invitations to our Friend Day, additionally we gave personal invitations to friends, families acquaintances and strangers, then we prepared sumptuous meals for members and visitors and most important of all we ourselves were present for the big day and big day it was. We made preparations and provisions for about 100 non-members and our recorded attendance was 175+/-. In short we achieved our goal. By the grace and power of our God we had a successful turn out and a wonderful spirit filled worship service. The devil took notice of our success and so put in his appearance, but he could not prevail against our collective faith and strength. He lost his battle, but we won ours.
From this victory there are many lessons for us to learn, one great one is that our collective efforts in the name of Jesus our Lord will bring great success. Let us therefore continue with the same mind and determination and ride out this wave.
We close by noticing Jesus’ statement to the 72, “However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." That’s our goal’s destination, an eternal abode in heaven; Let us continue on our path of success, we won’t give in and we won’t slack up, instead we will double our efforts to take the gospel of salvation to the lost. Thank you brothers and sisters for a job well done.