I am coming soon (Rev. 22:20)
I am coming soon (Rev. 22:20)
"Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. (Rev 22:12)
That’s just a fantastic way to close the Bible. It is the end of the reading but not the end of the story. Our Lord will return, and soon! This ending may also be taken as a gentle reminder, at the close of this year, that a new year, 2015, is on the horizon and therefore makes our Lord’s return much closer. We are closer to our reward! That being the case, let us draw closer to our God, if we do, He will draw closer to us (James4:8); let us also excel in doing good and doing more to advance our Lord’s kingdom, the Church of Christ (Col. 1:13). Let us excel in prayer, fellowship, breaking of bread and love for one another. Let us expectantly wait for the coming of our Lord. “Come, Lord Jesus, Come.” [Marantha “come, O Lord.]”
Let us pray,
“Holy Father in Heaven, we give You thanks for Your grace and mercy which has seen us through this eventful year of 2014. We thank You Lord for the many different ways You worked in our lives and we continue to pray Father for Your continued presence and power working within us so that we may do Your will at all times and in the best way we can. Father we ask that you prepare us for the coming of our Lord Jesus; make us ready to meet Him when He comes; it is our heart’s desire to live out eternity in Your heavenly home.
We confess our sins to you Father and pray for forgiveness and cleansing with the blood of our Lord. May we Father, in this coming year, draw closer to you in holiness and humility and may we make greater progress in impacting our communities. We thank You Father for hearing our prayers as it is in the name of our Lord Jesus that we pray, Amen.”