2015 a year of Growth – inward, outward and up ward.
2015 a year of Growth – inward, outward and up ward.
Rev 3:1-2 - “These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. 2 Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God.”
Our Father in Heaven has blessed us to be a part of this new year of 2015. This is our year, your year of personal spiritual growth and progress. Our theme for the year is “growth” – “growing inward, growing outward and growing upward.” Fundamental to our success is a commitment to the principle of completion. To complete the tasks we begin; to complete the plans we make, to complete the missions we undertake. Let us set our hearts to be good finishers, to finish strong, to complete the programs we begin. The first century Church in Sardis was rebuked and warned because they were not finishers, so their deeds (their programs) were incomplete in the sight of God. Let us learn from their mistake and cultivate the habit of completion. Let us pray,
“Gracious Father in Heaven, thank you for making us a part of this new year, 2015. In this year Father, bless our desire for personal and congregational spiritual growth. We want to grow in knowledge and wisdom; we want to grow in numbers, praying Father that you will add to our numbers daily, or weekly and or monthly. We want also to grow in our fellowship with you Father, to grow in our fellowship with our Lord Jesus Christ and to grow in our fellowship with the Holy Spirit, our paraclete, who is always interceding for us. Father in Heaven we pray that you will endorse and bless the plans in the making for our congregation, the Patchogue Church of Christ. Help us Father to grow so that your name may be glorified in us and in the service we give. Open our eyes so we may see the tasks and or missions You want us to undertake and empower us do them and to complete them. Father Please hear our prayer, as we offer it in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to whom be all the glory and honor, Amen.”