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“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” (Rom 12:15)

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” (Rom 12:15)

God Almighty has been showing us His goodness and power in this new year and we thank Him for it. We have the privilege of rejoicing with the angels in heaven (Lk. 15:10) over three precious souls born again into the wonderful family of God. After his baptism, the Ethiopian eunuch went on his way rejoicing (Acts 8:39) as he experienced the joy of salvation. In like fashion we rejoice with Zeke, Lindsey and Christopher, our new brothers and sister in Christ. We thank God for them and for the part each member of the congregation played in their conversion. This was a congregational affair - our unity, love, atmosphere, generosity, happiness, and many other little things all contributed to their conversion. May the grace of our Lord Jesus continue with us as we continue to work together for the expansion and advancement of His Kingdom. Let us continue to pray for each other and encourage one another to glorify God in our day to day living. Let us pray,

“Holy Father in Heaven, we are overwhelmed by your grace and goodness. We thank you Father for allowing and enabling us to participate in the conversion of our new family members. We thank you Father for the congregation and pray for each family and member; we pray that your presence will continue with each one of us that we may continue to be a blessing to each other and a glory to your name. Father, in the midst of our rejoicing we bring before you our brothers and sisters who are hurting in different ways. There are members with physical ailments, members who are struggling with mental and emotional issues, members have loved ones that are seriously sick, members are struggling with financial issues, members are out of work and seeking jobs and members with issues of which we are not aware. We pray to you Father, asking for your intervention, that you will visit each one with your remedy, healing and power. Bless us Father to do your will and may you bring within our reach more precious souls seeking the salvation found only in your Son and our savior our Lord Jesus Christ. May we glorify your name Father as to you belong all the glory, praise and honor. In Jesus name, amen.


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